September 19, 2024

National Employment Programme helped 22,529 people find jobs-Statistics

National Employment Programme helped 22,529 people find jobs, under agreements signed with Jordan’s private sector establishments, which totaled 1,003. According to statistics recently obtained by “Petra,” the number of beneficiaries of National Aid Fund (NAF) cash assistance reached 754 women and 927 men. The highest employment rates went to Jordan’s industrial sector, followed by the education and tourism sectors, respectively, then the mining industry, the statistics showed. A total of 58,810 job seekers registered in the programme, of whom 28,574 are females and 30,236 are males. Under the programme, a man or woman employed by a private sector establishment will receive JD130 as monthly wage subsidy provided that the employer offers the employee a one-year contract. The programme, which is a priority of the government’s economic action plans 2021-2023, comes in line with its directives to empower Jordanian youth in the age group between 18-40 years. The programme also aims to stimulate Jordan’s private sector to provide job opportunities to employ jobless Jordanians in all economic sectors in all the Kingdom’s governorates.

Source: Jordan News Agency