September 21, 2024

MP From Maysan Criticizes The West’s Duplicity In Dealing With Violations Of International Law

Al-Amara -The MP of Maysan Governorate, Raed Hamdan Al-Maliki, criticized the West’s duplicity in dealing with violations of international law and the Security Council’s inability to stop the aggression and violations to which the residents of Gaza are exposed.

Al-Maliki said in a press statement: “When Iraq invaded Kuwait, the Security Council opened its doors with dozens of resolutions against Iraq under the pretext of violating the United Nations Charter and the rules of international law, but today it is unable to even issue a resolution condemning the violations committed by the Zionist entity in Palestine.”

He stressed: “The crimes being committed are described as war crimes and crimes against humanity, considering that the West gave the occupying entity the green light to commit these crimes.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency