September 20, 2024

Miniter urges younger Jordanians to elect qualified people, support women

Amman: The Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs, Hadith Khriesha, Tuesday urged younger Jordanians to elect qualified people and promising party programmers and support women.

During a meeting with the youth of the Taqadum Party at the Ministry, Khreisha said, “The political environment is stimulating and protected by the constitution and laws, and there is no turning back from party life and political modernisation. Political work in the future will be based on programmatic parties.”

He said that His Majesty the King looks forward to involving citizens in decision-making in various state institutions, adding that younger Jordanians and women have an important role in adopting these directives.

He urged Jordanians in parties to motivate their communities to participate in the elections on partisan and programmatic grounds, “far from regionalism, fanaticism, and personal interests,” adding that the success of parliamentary work depends on electing programmes and competencies.

He said the governm
ent added chapters on civil and political life and parties to the national education subject to deepen school students’ culture of political and partisan life and the history of Jordan.

Source: Jordan News Agency