September 21, 2024

Ministry of Social Development Provides 281 Homes in 2023 to Needy Families

Amman: In 2023, the Ministry of Social Development completed the construction, purchase, and renovation of 281 housing units through various initiatives, including Royal Initiatives, the Decentralization Budget, partner agencies, and donations.

As outlined in a report released on Monday, 26 homes were allocated to needy families in Ain al-Basha and Bani Kenana districts. In Jerash Governorate, 13 homes, part of Royal Initiatives, were finished and ready for delivery. A total of 67 homes were constructed, 30 were purchased, and 27 were renovated through the Decentralization Budget.

The report highlighted the construction of 55 homes for impoverished families selected by the ministry, with 38 in the North-Eastern Badia District and 17 in the South Shuna District. Furthermore, 63 homes were acquired and refurbished with the help of donations.

Since 2003, the ministry, under Royal Directives, has been executing the housing project for poor families, providing them with clean and secure housing for a stable lif
e. Over 5,200 families across all governorates of the Kingdom have benefited from this initiative.

Social studies were prepared to facilitate the granting or renewal of health insurance for poor families, with a total of 100,749 families included. Among them, 22,530 submitted studies for health insurance renewal, 78,219 for health insurance grants, and 1,832 for exemption from dialysis expenses.

Source: Jordan News Agency