September 21, 2024

Ministry of Higher Education forms a technical committee to develop the curricula of media colleges.

Tripoli: The Ministry of Higher Education of the National Unity Government formed a technical committee responsible for evaluating and developing educational curricula in media faculties in Libyan universities.

According to the decision issued by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Imran Al-Qeeb, the formation of the committee comes within the framework of seeking to develop the educational process in the colleges of media and communication in accordance with what is required by necessity and what is imposed by the reality of technical and digital development, techniques, arts and methods of artificial intelligence.

According to the decision, the committee is headed by Dr. Abdeen Al-Sharif, professor of media at the University of Tripoli, and the membership is: Dr. ‘Mohamed Sharaf al-Din al-Fitouri, Professor of Media at the Libyan Academy for Postgraduate Studies, Dr. Khaled Saeed Sabita, Professor of Media at the University of Benghazi, Dr. Jamal Issa Mawlud, Professor of Media a
t Omar al-Mukhtar University, and Dr. Ibrahim Al-Shteiwi, professor of media at Al-Zaytouna University, and Professor Ammar Milad Nasr, rapporteur of the committee from the University of Sirte.

The head of the committee, Dr. Aabdeen Al-Sharif, told the Libyan News Agency, ‘The committee will develop a strategy to consult with experts and media professors from various specializations in colleges to benefit from their experiences in teaching in the field of media and communication.’

“We will consult and cooperate with media bodies and institutions, newspapers, magazines, public and private radio and satellite channels, as they are the labor market that will absorb graduates of media colleges in the future.” He added.

Dr. Al-Sharif noted that the committee’s work is concerned with development and not standardization of curricula, with the aim of preserving privacy, distinction and competition among Libyan universities, which is what the committee seeks through its work.

Source: Libyan News Agency