September 21, 2024

Minister of planning calls for concerted efforts to make the population census a success

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Planning Mohammed Ali Tamim called for concerted efforts to make the general population census, scheduled for 11/20/2024, a success.

Tamim said, according to a statement by the ministry: “The goal of the census is to serve development and change reality for the better by indicating development gaps and shortcomings in order to address them through development plans and policies.”

The minister pointed out during the session of the Ministerial Council for the Economy held in Erbil: “The census outputs will contribute to advancing the wheel of development and resolving many technical issues related to statistics, population ratios, parliamentary representation, and others.”

He stressed: “The importance of making efforts to complete the requirements for conducting the general population census in various parts of Iraq, and preparing the infrastructure, logistical and technical matters, and human cadres necessary for its success.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency