September 25, 2024

Minister Of Oil: We Are Continuing With Projects To Invest All Available Quantities Of Associated Gas

Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs, Minister of Oil Hayan Abdul-Ghani affirmed the ministry’s keenness to invest all available quantities of associated gas in the oil fields and convert it into useful energy to supply electric power generation stations and all industries related to gas fuel.

During his inspection and follow-up of the Basra plant project for the separation and liquefaction of natural gas, he said that this project is one of the important strategic projects in the gas sector, with a capacity of (400 cubic feet) million standard cubic feet per day, implemented in two phases, the capacity of each production unit of which is (200 cubic feet), adding that the project will also prevent the release of an amount of (30) million tons annually of equivalent carbon dioxide gas to the atmosphere or space, thanks to the sour gas treatment plants and the separation and liquefaction of liquids that were manufactured according to the latest approved international standards, and are managed by the Basra and South Gas Companies.

Abdul-Ghani indicated that his visit to the project site comes as part of his daily follow-up to the stages of project implementation and reviewing the procedures and final steps before the start of the experimental operation of the plant and its inauguration at the end of next May, and that the ministry is continuing to implement projects to invest all available quantities of gas associated with oil operations, and convert it into useful energy, which was confirmed by the government program./ End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency