Minister of Interior announces success of security plan for Arbaeen visit

The head of the Supreme Committee for Securing the Arbaeen Pilgrimage, Minister of Interior Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, announced the success of the security plan supervised by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

He said in a press conference held in Karbala: We started early with the plan to secure the Arbaeen Pilgrimage of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) in close cooperation with the service plan.

He explained that the number of visitors has exceeded 3.7 million visitors so far.

He added that the implementation of the security plan was preceded by intelligence information to create a safe climate with about 191 intelligence information.

He continued that all roads leading to the holy Karbala were secured and the processions were protected.

He said that we started implementing the security plan from the 1st of Safar, August 5.

He pointed out that what distinguished this plan this year is its flexibility in relying on intelligence efforts and the roads were not cut off even in the holy Karbala.

explained that the security plan witnessed a decrease in traffic accidents, indicating that 10 minor fires were recorded in all sectors and were controlled.

He continued: We used awareness campaigns for visitors during the visit over 20 days.

The Minister of Interior confirmed that all state efforts participated in the operations of transportation of visitors and we did not record any security incidents

Source: National Iraqi News Agency