September 25, 2024

Madbouli: State pays attention to developing SCZone to attract foreign investments

Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli said his visit on Thursday to the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone) comes within the framework of the keenness of the state on development of the SCZone and providing different potentials and services to promote its ability to attract more foreign investments in the different sectors to support the role of this zone in increasing employment opportunities and supporting exports.

The prime minister was inspecting a number of projects in Sokhna industrial zone, located in the range of SCZone, accompanied by Transport Minister Kamel el-Wazir, SCZone Chairman Waleid Gamaleldien and Suez Deputy Governor Abdullah Abdel Rahman.

Madbouli inspected Sokhna Port, which is a main part of the logistic passage of Sokhna/Dekheila, and followed up on implementation work at Hutchison containers terminal.

Meanwhile, Wazir said that the terminal is built on an area of 1.6 million square meters and its capacity is 3.5 million container per year.

It is planned to receive giant ships on a distan
ce of 400 meters, he added.

Source: State Information Service Egypt