Lebanon files new complaints against the Zionist entity

The Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations in New York submitted an identical complaint to both Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, and the UN Security Council in response to the repeated attacks by the Zionist entity that targeted the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) in southern Lebanon, and the forces of that entity illegally requested the peacekeeping forces to evacuate their positions contrary to their mandate as determined by the Security Council.

Lebanon stressed, according to a statement issued by the Lebanese Foreign Ministry, that the Zionist entity’s attacks on UNIFIL constitute a dangerous precedent and a flagrant violation of international law and Security Council Resolution 1701, and confirm the repeated and continuous Zionist attempts to undermine UNIFIL’s mission, and the Zionist entity’s violation of international legitimacy, and its failure to comply with or care for international law and international humanitarian law.

Lebanon demanded in
the complaint to take a firm and strict position on these attacks that amount to war crimes and to condemn them in the strongest terms, while stressing the need to hold the Zionist entity accountable for these violations and deter it to prevent their recurrence, and to avoid casualties among UNIFIL forces, and to ensure its ability to continue fulfilling its obligations stipulated in its mandate.

In a related context, the Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations in New York also submitted a second complaint to the UN Security Council regarding the effects of the Zionist aggression and its repercussions on the education sector in Lebanon.

In the complaint it submitted, Lebanon urged the member states of the Security Council to intervene urgently and effectively to stop the ongoing Zionist aggression on its lands, which has deprived approximately one million and four hundred thousand students of their basic right to education, threatening the future of entire generations of students and negatively a
ffecting their psychological state, in addition to the long-term effects on their academic level.

Lebanon also called on the international community to act immediately to ensure the cessation of aggression and protect the right to education as a fundamental pillar for building a stable and secure future for the country and as a means to promote a culture of development and peace.

Lebanon has been subjected to Zionist aggression since October 2023, but in recent days, that entity has increased the pace of aerial and artillery bombardment in an unprecedented manner, and expanded the scope of its targeting, extending to the capital, Beirut, which has led to the martyrdom and injury of thousands of Lebanese, in addition to forcing more than a million people to flee their homes.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency