Kuwaiti official: Kuwait-Egypt media cooperation significant

A Kuwaiti official on Thursday affirmed significance of the existing media cooperation between the State of Kuwait and Egypt, particularly in the audio-visual and back-up tech realms.

The affirmation was made by Adel Al-Meshaan, the assistant undersecretary at the ministry of information and the acting external media undersecretary, in a statement to KUNA as he chaired the ministry’s delegation at the inauguration of the 13th session of the joint supreme commission.

The Kuwait-Egypt cooperation at the media level dates to many decades ago, distinguished with record achievements that depicted solidity of the brotherly relations in diverse fields, he said he affirmed keenness of Kuwaiti and Egyptian information officials on beefing up the cooperation in this sector in line with the desire of the two countries’ supreme leaderships. He alluded to the framework agreement that had been signed by the Kuwaiti Ministry of Information with the Egyptian media authority on cooperation in the television, radio and medi
a tech engineering.

The cooperation in this framework came in response to decisions, issued by the Arab ministers of information for boosting swap expertise and cooperation in the sector.

Source: Kuwait News Agency