September 21, 2024

Kuwait urges continued backing to Palestine statehood

Kuwait expressed hope for South American and the Caribbean countries’ continued backing to international efforts in support of Palestine’s right to full UN membership. Kuwait’s Permanent Representative to the Arab League Ambassador Talal Al-Mutairi made the statement to KUNA on Wednesday after partaking in the League’s representative-level meeting with ambassadors of South American and Caribbean countries to Egypt.

Such a right would contribute to the Arab region’s stability that has been witnessing instability for decades due to Israeli occupation policies despite Arab initiatives made for achieving peace for all, al-Mutairi said.

He said Kuwait appreciates South America and the Caribbean states’ positions in backing humanitarian right of Palestinian people who have been facing a crime of genocide for years.

“We are very worried as Israeli occupation does not respect international law and international humanitarian law,” he said.

Kuwait also commended Libya’s proposal on holding this meeting as the conf
erees have common values and principles, he noted.

At the end of the meeting, a joint statement was issued to stress the need of supporting inalienable rights of Palestinian people, including self-determination, the return and the establishment of a full sovereign Palestinian state on June 4 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, in line with international law, the relevant UN General Assembly and the Security Council resolutions.

Source: Kuwait News Agency