September 21, 2024

Kingdom’s Youth Population Nears 2.25 Million, with High Internet Usage Reported

The Department of Statistics reported today that as of the close of last year, the youth population in the Kingdom, aged between 15 and 24 years, stood at 2.246 million. This figure represents a significant portion of the overall population of the Kingdom, which is approximately 11.302 million. In observance of International Youth Day, which is celebrated annually on August 12, the Department’s recent publication highlighted some gender-based disparities in this age group. Specifically, males constituted 20.2% and females made up 19.5% of this segment of the population. Upon reviewing the distribution by region, the data reveals that the Capital Governorate houses the lion’s share of this demographic at 42.0%. Following in rank is the Irbid Governorate at 19.2%, with the Zarqa Governorate taking third place at 14.2%. The remaining governorates have youth proportions ranging between 1% and 5.6%. Breaking down the age bracket further, the youth category splits into adolescent youth (15-19 years) and young adults (20-24 years). The former makes up just over half, at 50.1%, while the latter slightly lags behind at 49.9%. Positive strides in education are apparent among the Kingdom’s youth. The previous year’s labor force survey indicates a mere 0.7% illiteracy rate among this demographic, with a notable 38.2% possessing a secondary or higher education qualification. Other highlights from the report suggest that nearly 60% of the youth are currently enrolled in educational institutions. Meanwhile, 11.8% are gainfully employed. In terms of digital literacy, data from the 2021 Household Information Technology Use Survey underscores the tech-savviness of the Kingdom’s youth. A striking 94.5% of young males and 93.2% of young females in the 15-24 age group are active internet users.

Source: Jordan News Agency