September 20, 2024

Judge Hanoun stresses the necessity of adopting a reform plan based on the rule of justice and fairness to the oppressed

The head of the Federal Integrity Commission, Judge Haider Hanoun, stressed the necessity of adopting a reform plan based on the supremacy of justice, praising Imam Ali and his reform approach that was based on the supremacy of justice, which made its first paragraph combating financial corruption, redressing the oppressed, and restoring rights to their owners.

He referred, in a speech at the ceremony organized by the Commission on the occasion of Eid al-Ghadir, to the basic principles of governance according to Imam Ali (peace be upon him), which he began to implement immediately after assuming the caliphate, pointing out that he carried out administrative reform represented by the removal of the corrupt governors and senior officials who monopolized the treasury and spent the people’s money on their own pleasures and replacing them with honest people, reviewing the mechanisms he put in place to implement justice, including: transparency in governance and the judiciary, which stems from the application of t
he principle ‘Where did you get this from?’, and freedoms and expression of opinion, even if it is against him, peace be upon him, and guaranteeing them to everyone on the condition that they do not attack with violence or weapons.

Hanoun added: ‘The Imam was carrying out some actions related to some state agencies, such as undertaking the tasks of the Hisbah himself, going to the markets, rebuking violators and holding them accountable, in addition to imposing strict punishments within his criminal policy based on the foundations of justice drawn up by Sharia law, stressing the importance of what he is doing in raising awareness of the responsibilities on the level of the general public and the private, and his endeavor to make the mind the ruler of the heart so that his awareness may be transferred to the feeling of the heart, which acts accordingly, and the conscience is governed and awakened.’

The Chairman of the Commission concluded his speech by focusing on the enormity of the responsibility that the
judge bears in every time and place, and the qualities that he must possess. Pointing out that his job is linked to achieving justice and fairness to the oppressed and imposing punishments against criminal perpetrators, citing some of the words of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) from his commandments and letters that he sent to his judges, warning that all groups are responsible for the welfare and integrity of society, or its ruin and the spread of corruption among its members, pointing out to some of his words (peace be upon him) about some important sectors that represent the elite in society and their role in reform, such as scholars, ascetics, merchants, rulers, and invaders, and the necessity of imitating them with the values of integrity and sincerity, after each group represents a role model to be emulated.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency