Jordan’s King dissolves parliament ahead of upcoming elections

Jordan’s King Abdullah II issued a decree Thursday dissolving the Lower House of Parliament as of 25 July 2024 ahead of the upcoming elections.

On April 24, the independent electoral commission set September 10 a date for the coming parliamentary elections which would held in line with a new electoral law.

The new law, passed by the parliament in January 2022, stipulates a gradual increase in political parties’ seats in parliament, starting from a percentage ranging between 30 to 50 percent, until reaching 65 percent during the next 10 years.

The law redraws electoral districts as local and general with 138 seats, 97 of which are for local constituencies distributed over 18 constituencies, and 41 seats for the general list allocated for political parties and partisan alliances. It grants every voter two votes under a mixed electoral system for partisan lists and local lists, where voters in the general lists cannot change the order of candidates accredited by the party, while voters in local constituencies
can vote for individual candidates. It stipulates having at least one woman among the first three candidates on the general list and within the next three candidates, in addition to having a young man or woman (35 years old or younger) within the first five candidates. It reduces the age of candidates to 25 years.

It also increases the number of female quota seats to be the same as the number of constituencies (18), and maintains the representation of Christians at nine seats, and Circassians and Chechens at three seats, without stipulating a maximum limit for their representation.

Source: Kuwait News Agency