Jordan’s diplomacy is moderate, influential on global, regional scale, says former FM

Former Foreign Minister Marwan Muasher said Jordanian diplomacy always has a balanced and positive approach to the topics it discusses or takes on, and it is grounded in logical, systematic, and persuasive principles.

“Jordan’s diplomacy commands respect and influence at the global and regional levels, thanks to the expertise of the Hashemite leadership decades ago, as well as the balance of ideas and proposals presented in many international forums and opinions supported by proof and evidence,” Muasher told a dialogue session entitled “Jordanian Diplomacy, Efforts, and Opportunities,” organized by the All Jordan Youth Commission, the youth arm of the King Abdullah II Fund for Development (KAFD), in Amman on Monday evening.

As it is a uniquely Jordanian interest, Muasher emphasized, and this stance has remained firm in Jordan despite all the worldwide political and economic changes, the Palestinian question has always been present and among the priorities of His Majesty the King and Jordanian diplomacy.

With the help of its astute diplomacy, Jordan illuminated the core of the Palestinian cause with actions that went beyond platitudes and rhetoric, as demonstrated by His Majesty King Abdullah’s trips to numerous Arab and Western nations,” Muasher explained.

The All Jordan Youth Commission will stick to the strategy that has guided it since its inception, which is to help spread the national message throughout a range of social, political, and economic spheres, KAFD’s Director Mazen Tabbalat said.

“The current state of affairs, particularly in Gaza as a result of the brutal Israeli aggression, has resurrected interest in the Palestinian cause, particularly among younger people who were not present during the tragedies to which the Palestinian people were subjected,” Tabbalat added.

He commended His Majesty King Abdullah, Her Majesty Queen Rania, and HRH the Crown Prince for their honorable role in providing political and humanitarian support to the Palestinian people.

He went on to say that since the start
of the war against Gaza, the Commission has been hosting dialogue sessions in which it holds national leaders who shed light on the Palestinian situation, Jordan’s perspective, and Jordanian initiatives taken at all levels.

The Commission’s coordinator in Amman, Othman Abbadi, stated that its sessions aim to increase youth participation in various issues, improve their culture of dialogue, and broaden the base of youth participation by being open to various opinions and ideas and leading a national youth dialogue that highlights various challenges, by hosting a variety of experienced figures to the Commission’s headquarters to speak and engage in conversation with young people.

The session was moderated by the Dean of Student Affairs at the University of Jordan, Safwan Shiyyab.

Source: Jordan News Agency