Jordan welcomes advisory opinion of International Court of Justice

Amman: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatraites, on Friday, welcomed the International Court of Justice (ICJ) advisory opinion regarding the legal ramifications of Israel’s policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.

The United Nations General Assembly had requested this opinion from the Court in accordance with Resolution No. 77/247, and was released on December 30, 2022.

Ambassador Sufian Qudah, the official spokesperson for the Ministry, emphasized the significance of this historic advisory opinion, emphasizing that all nations have an obligation to refuse to recognize the circumstances that result from Israel’s occupation of the lands. The advisory opinion reflects the international will and international law to support the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the establishment of their independent, sovereign state.

The advisory opinion stated that the Israeli occupation, Israeli settlements, and their annexation of the occupied Pa
lestinian area are unlawful. It further stated that aid or assistance should not be provided to the occupation of Palestinian territories.

The illegality of the Israeli occupation, Israeli settlements, and their annexation of the occupied Palestinian area, including the illegality of any change to the legal status in occupied Jerusalem, was highlighted in the advisory opinion, according to Ambassador Qudah.

According to the advisory opinion, the United Nations, particularly the General Assembly, which asked the court to issue the opinion, and the Security Council should think about particular ways to put an end to the occupation. It also stated that international organizations, including the UN, should not acknowledge the legal situation resulting from the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. in the shortest amount of time.

The advisory opinion also confirmed that Israeli policies and practices in the occupied Palestinian territories, particularly in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, hinder t
he Palestinian people’s ability to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination, which cannot be restricted by the occupying force.

Ambassador Qudah also emphasized the necessity of compelling Israel to carry out the recommendations in the advisory opinion, which declare that Israel must immediately cease all settlement operations and remove all settlers from the occupied Palestinian territories; additionally, Israel must cease its unlawful acts; and finally, the Israeli occupation of the occupied Palestinian territories is illegal. Legal and presence in the occupied territories as quickly as feasible, and is required to reimburse all natural or legal parties involved in the occupied Palestinian territory for any losses they may have suffered.

The advisory opinion of the court, according to Ambassador Qudah, stressed the unity of the Palestinian lands, which comprise the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza, as well as the right of Palestinians to return to their homes. It also stated that forcible
displacement involves forcing people to flee when they have no other option.

The announcement of the advisory opinion by the court, as noted by Ambassador Qudah, is in line with the ongoing international pressure on Israel, the occupying force, to cease its war crimes against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and its continuous aggression against them in the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem.

Ambassador Qudah emphasized that all UN members must fulfill their obligations in putting international resolutions into effect without bias or discrimination, and that Israel must abide by the norms of both international law and international humanitarian law.

On February 22, 2024, Jordan made an oral petition before the ICJ. Ayman Safadi, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, led the group that made this submission. On July 24, 2023, it also filed a written pleading with the Court and a written response to the pleas of other nations. October 25, 2023.

Source: Jorda
n News Agency