September 19, 2024

Jordan, Singapore explore collaborative opportunities in metrology

Director-General of the Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization (JSMO), Abeer Alzhair, engaged on Tuesday in discussions with the Director-General of the National Metrology Institute of Singapore, to explore potential areas of collaboration in the field of metrology.

In a remote meeting, Alzhair expressed Jordan’s deep admiration for Singapore’s pioneering experience in metrology and conveyed the country’s aspirations to leverage this expertise across various sectors, noting that the focus is on transferring and exchanging successful practices, ultimately bolstering the national economy and fostering stronger bilateral cooperation.

The Singaporean official reciprocated the interest by expressing Singapore’s keenness to establish a memorandum of understanding with Jordan, aiming to enhance metrology practices and standards in both countries. “Notably, the areas of mutual interest encompass energy and water efficiency, consumer product safety, and conformity assessment practices,” she added.

This strategic engagement between the Jordanian and Singaporean metrology institutions heralds a new chapter in the bilateral relationship, fostering a promising alliance built on shared values and common goals.

Source: Jordan News Agency