September 22, 2024

Jordan, Saudi Arabia sign agreement on energy, digital transformation

Amman: Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Saleh Al-Kharabsheh and his Saudi counterpart Prince Abdelaziz Bin Salman signed a cooperation agreement in the area of energy and digital transformation, on Thursday in Riyadh, a statement by the ministry of tarde said.

At the Third International Mining Conference on the sidelines, which took place from January 9-11 in Riyadh, the two ministers explored opportunities for collaboration in a range of energy-related topics.

The agreement aims to promote cooperation in energy-related industries such petrochemicals, oil, gas, electricity, renewable energy, and energy efficiency. It also aspires to provide a framework for collaboration between the two parties that fulfills their objectives and serves their shared interests.

Along with the hydrogen industry, the agreement also aims to strengthen collaboration in the area of the circular carbon economy and its technologies, with a focus on attaining sustainability and lessening the effects of climate change through
technologies like carbon capture, reuse, transfer, and storage.

The agreement supports qualitative partnerships between Amman and Riyadh to localize materials, products, and services related to all energy sectors, supply chains, and technologies. It also includes strengthening cooperation in the area of digital transformation and innovation in the energy sector.

To improve sustainability and advance the energy sector, the agreement aims to strengthen collaboration in the development of standards and laws pertaining to sustainable materials.

Source:Jordan News Agency