September 21, 2024

Jordan Reiterates Support for Palestine at Arab League Meeting

Cairo: Jordan’s permanent representative to the League of Arab States, Ambassador Amjad Adaileh, affirmed the Kingdom’s unwavering support for the Palestinian cause, emphasizing its role as a steadfast ally and defender of Palestinian rights in international forums.

Leading the Jordanian delegation at the 161st regular session of the League Council at the ministerial level, Adaileh highlighted, “The essence of Jordanian diplomatic efforts, guided by His Majesty King Abdullah II, consistently focuses on Palestine, representing a just cause and legitimate rights, including the preservation of Islamic and Christian holy sites in Al-Quds Al-Sharif, under the Hashemite custodianship.”

In his speech, Adaileh asserted, “Israel will not achieve security by oppressing Palestinians. True security can only be realized through the restoration of legitimate rights, resolution of the conflict, the two-state solution, and the establishment of a Palestinian state within the June 4, 1967, borders.”

He stressed these princi
ples as foundational for addressing the conflict, the longest in modern human history.

Addressing the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, Jordan’s statement emphasized the critical need for the world to recognize the catastrophic consequences of halting support to UNRWA in Gaza.

“Only an immediate cessation of the war and the resumption of aid can alleviate the dire situation, alongside the rehabilitation and rebuilding of the healthcare sector,” Adaileh noted.

He also detailed Jordan’s contributions to alleviating the crisis, including the first aid plane landing at Al-Arish Airport 150 days ago and the establishment of a land bridge and airdrops by the Jordanian Armed Forces – the Arab Army, in collaboration with partner nations.

This support underscores Jordan’s commitment to the Palestinian people, guided by King Abdullah II and Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II.

Source: Jordan News Agency