September 23, 2024

Jordan participates in Cycling Tourism Show in Italy-JTB

Amman: The Jordan Tourism Board (JTB) participated in Fiera del Cicloturismo / Cycling Tourism Show, which is being held in Italy, from April 5 to 7.

According to a JTB statement on Sunday, its participation with Jordanian travel offices aim to promote adventure tourism, especially cycling and travel activities, to explore the Kingdom’s destinations and wonders in an exciting way by providing a sustainable and in-depth approach to exploring Jordan’s cultural and natural heritage.

“Jordan has become a favorite destination for cycling enthusiasts thanks to its winding roads that pass through wonderful historical sites and stunning landscapes, suitable for all types of cycling, mainly racing and mountain biking,” the JTB said.

Additionally, the JTB noted that Jordan’s “Crown Jewel” path, which extends over 730 kilometers from the Kingdom’s north to south, is one of the key bicycle trails in the country, which passes through various natural areas and prominent tourist attractions, primarily the city of Petra,
Wadi Rum, and beaches of Aqaba.

“Diverse cycling experiences are available in Jordan, starting from fully supported trips with comprehensive logistical services, to individual trips that allow travelers to experience independence and flexibility,” the JTB said.

The JTB stressed that the Kingdom offers exciting opportunities for cycling enthusiasts to explore its natural beauty and its rich history of culture and heritage.

On its official website (, the portal provides detailed trail-related information about each stage of the journey, including distance, altitude and expected time.

The JTB invited those who wish to experience the least effort, to choose shorter sections of the route through the “Jordan Bike Trail” website, which allows an opportunity to explore many wonderful areas in Jordan in a flexible and enjoyable way.

Source: Jordan News Agency