September 20, 2024

Jordan hosts 11th APCMC, recommends support for Gaza’s cooperatives

Dead Sea: Minister of Agriculture, Khaled Huneifat, Chairman of the 11th Asia-Pacific Cooperative Ministers’ Conference (APCMC), launched the “Jordan Declaration” at the conclusion of the conference on Monday.

The declaration included key recommendations emanating from the APCMC, which was held over two days in the Dead Sea region.

Huneifat, who is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Jordan Co-operative Corporation (JCC), said that the APCMC recommended the need to support cooperatives in Palestine, especially in the Gaza Strip, and work to stop the war on the Gaza Strip, which is under Israeli aggression, and support Jordan’s efforts under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah II to stop this war and help the Palestinian brothers.

The APCMC also recommended strengthening the dialogue between government bodies and cooperatives to understand the mutual goals, challenges, and opportunities for cooperation and to create an environment conducive to the development of cooperatives, in addition
to emphasizing the crucial role of cooperatives in promoting comprehensive development.

He added that the importance of the APCMC lies in promoting policies, legal frameworks, and strategies that support cooperative movements and facilitate their integration into national development plans, while recognizing cooperatives as key partners in achieving sustainable and inclusive growth.

According to Huneifat, the APCMC also recommended aligning efforts with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to address pressing global challenges such as poverty, gender equality, decent work, and climate action, by exploiting the potential of cooperatives to contribute to achieving these goals, in addition to accelerating steps for governments and cooperatives to deepen their partnership for comprehensive sustainable development, promoting cooperative identity and raising awareness about the cooperative business model, its values and principles, as well as encouraging regional and international cooperation b
etween governments, cooperatives and other actors, promoting an enabling environment for the resilience and growth of cooperatives and cooperatives.

Source: Jordan News Agency