September 20, 2024

Israeli Forces Detain 19 Palestinians in West Bank

Ramallah: Israeli occupation forces conducted a series of arrests on Monday, detaining 19 Palestinians, including a child and former prisoners, in Ramallah, Qalqilya, Jenin, Hebron, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem.

In a joint statement, the Prisoners’ and Ex-Prisoners’ Authority and the Palestinian Prisoners Society highlighted instances of widespread abuse, severe beatings, and threats directed towards detainees and their families. Additionally, there were reports of extensive sabotage and destruction of Palestinian homes accompanying the arrests.

The total number of arrests since October 7 has now reached approximately 7,770 individuals. This figure encompasses those apprehended from their homes, at military checkpoints, as well as individuals coerced into surrendering themselves under duress, and those held hostage.

Furthermore, the occupation army persists in perpetrating the crime of enforced disappearance against detainees from Gaza, with 171 days having passed since the aggression and genocide inflicted up
on Gaza.

Despite calls from various human rights institutions, both international and Palestinian, the occupation authorities have withheld any information regarding the fate and whereabouts of these detainees.

Source: Jordan News Agency