September 20, 2024

Israel bears full responsibility for dangerous escalation in region, says FM, 2nd add

“The aggression against the Lebanese capital of Beirut is a blatant and condemnable violation of international law and a dangerous escalation, and the assassination of the head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, may God have mercy on him, in the Iranian capital of Tehran is a heinous escalatory crime and an aggression against the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran that we absolutely condemn.”

Safadi underscored that the conflict is not over “and the region will not enjoy security and peace until the occupation ends and the Palestinian people obtain their full rights.”

“The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan will remain supportive of Palestine and its people, demanding their right, rejecting their oppression, and supporting their steadfastness in their land, which was watered with the blood of the valiant Arab army martyrs, which must be liberated from the occupation and its injustice, so that the flag of Palestine can be raised over it as a symbol of its sovereignty and independence and the
n our region will live in peace,” Safadi said.

“We do not want an escalation that will only drag the region into the abyss of a catastrophic regional war that Israeli extremism wants to serve the ambitions of its leaders and their dark agendas,” Safadi added during the meeting called by Palestine and Iran.

Source: Jordan News Agency