September 25, 2024

Israel arrests 20 Palestinians in West Bank as concerns rise over treatment of detainees

Ramallah: Israeli occupation forces carried out a series of arrests on Thursday, detaining 20 Palestinian individuals from various areas in the West Bank, including former prisoners.

According to statements from the Palestinian Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Authority and the Palestinian Prisoners Society, the arrests were predominantly concentrated in Hebron and Jericho, with additional apprehensions reported in Qalqilya, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem. Reports indicate that the arrests were accompanied by instances of abuse, severe beatings, threats, and widespread acts of property destruction.

Since October 7, Israeli forces have detained approximately 7,585 Palestinian citizens from the West Bank. This figure encompasses individuals apprehended from their residences, at military checkpoints, those who surrendered under duress, and individuals taken into custody.

Furthermore, the statement highlights ongoing concerns regarding the treatment of detainees from Gaza, citing instances of enforced disappearance. Israe
li authorities refuse to disclose information regarding the fate and whereabouts of these detainees, despite calls from international and Palestinian human rights organizations for transparency.

Source: Jordan News Agency