September 23, 2024

Iraqi National Security Service Reveals The Outcome Of Its Operations To Secure The Arbaeen Visit

The Iraqi National Security Service carried out a series of intelligence and field operations in order to secure the ceremonies of the Arba’een visit of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him). The results of these operations were as follows:

1- Thwarting a terrorist plan to target visitors by overthrowing a terrorist network consisting of (5) members in Diyala Governorate.

2- A stockpile of equipment was seized in Anbar and transported by terrorist elements to one of the desert areas adjacent to the Holy Karbala Governorate.

3- Seizing (72) tons of expired foodstuffs in Karbala during intensive field tours carried out by the economic security detachments of our INSS, which resulted in the seizure of these quantities to prevent their exploitation by weak souls and for fear of distributing them to visitors.

4- Arresting (31) accused of promoting extremist religious movements and seized in their possession thousands of inflammatory leaflets in the governorates of (Baghdad, Karbala, Babylon, Diwaniyah, and Muthanna).

Source: National Iraqi News Agency