September 25, 2024

Iraq Participates in International Meeting to Enforce Anti-Corruption Laws

The Republic of Iraq, represented by the Federal Integrity Commission, participated in the fifth general meeting of the Global Operations Network of Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Authorities (GlobE Network) held in the Chinese capital, Beijing.

The head of the commission, Judge Haider Hanoun, called, during his speech at the high-level forum held on the sidelines of the meeting, for the conclusion of international understandings and agreements that prevent those accused and convicted of corruption crimes from exploiting legal disparities between countries to escape punishment, noting that these agreements should be based on principles, the most important of which are: international legal cooperation in the field of law enforcement, exchange of information, provision of mutual legal assistance, facilitation of procedures for extraditing accused persons, and recovery of stolen assets and their return to countries affected by corruption, stressing the need to hold all those involved in corruption accountable
, regardless of their geographical locations or the place where the crimes were committed. This is to ensure the achievement of international justice.

According to a statement by the Commission, Hanoun warned of the dangers of corruption to all countries of the world, considering it a phenomenon that transcends national borders and crosses countries and continents, urging unlimited cooperation between countries to combat it and deprive its perpetrators of any safe haven to which they can resort and escape justice, calling for overcoming obstacles to recovering funds and handing over wanted persons, including: differences in legal systems between countries, dual citizenship for accused or convicted wanted persons as a result of obtaining a citizenship acquired from another country, and countries’ reluctance to cooperate with other countries on grounds of national sovereignty.

Hanoun also called, according to the statement, for adopting a new global vision based on the principle of the rule of justice, the hu
manitarian principle that was established, applied and established by the just ruler, the voice of human justice, Imam Ali (peace be upon him), based on the two rules of the existence of law and justice of application, noting that these two rules are two inseparable pillars that cannot be separated, for when they separate, the balance of justice is disturbed and injustice and corruption prevail. He called on the global network of law enforcement operations to combat corruption to adopt it as a basis for reform and the establishment of a just state and good governance, and considered it a pioneer towards a life free of injustice and corruption, and to replace it with the principle of the rule of law wherever it exists, and let it be the starting point towards the world.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency