Iraq is the fourth largest oil exporter to China during the month

The Chinese Customs Administration announced today, Wednesday, that Iraq ranked fourth among the largest oil exporters to China during the month of July.

The Administration showed, in its statistics, that “Iraq’s oil exports to China during the month of July 2024 amounted to 4.36 million metric tons, or the equivalent of (33.93) million barrels, a decrease of 12.1% from June, where it amounted to 5.7 million metric tons, or the equivalent of (41.78) million barrels, and an increase from the same month of last year 2023 by 14.2%, where it amounted to 5.40 million metric tons, or the equivalent of (39.58) million barrels.”

She explained that “Iraq ranked fourth among the top ten oil exporting countries to China during the past month, adding that Iraq came after: Russia, which amounted to 7.46 million metric tons, followed by Saudi Arabia in second place, which amounted to 6.41 million metric tons, followed by Malaysia in third place, which amounted to 6.21 million metric tons.”

Source: National Iraqi News A