September 20, 2024

Iraq confirms its support for the initiatives proposed regarding Gaza and calls for an end to the Zionist aggression

Iraq affirmed its support for the initiatives proposed regarding Gaza, and called for an end to the ongoing Zionist aggression against it.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a statement that it “was briefed on the important initiative launched by the President of the United States of America, Joseph Biden, which was carried out in cooperation with the Egyptian and Qatari governments and with the support of many Arab countries.”

It added: “While we support these efforts, we call for an end to the aggression and urge the international community to assume its responsibilities and stop the terrible violations of international law, international humanitarian law and human rights. We also urge our Palestinian brothers to deal positively with the initiatives proposed, in a way that preserves their rights and legitimate aspirations, and bears responsibility in order to relieve their patient people.”

It stated that “it is useful to take into consideration the initiatives that lead to stopping the aggression
of the occupation authorities, which ensure a complete withdrawal of these forces from Gaza, and lead to the reconstruction of the Strip and the return of life to it,” stressing the need for this to be a step on the path to the Palestinian people regaining their full rights. And for the world to become aware of the magnitude of the crime that was committed against this patient people without fault.’

The Foreign Ministry indicated: ‘Iraq is working hard with its brothers and partners to deliver humanitarian aid, stop absolute injustice against the Palestinian people, and help guarantee their rights and future.’

Source: National Iraqi News Agency