September 20, 2024

Iranian oil official: Iraq owes Tehran no debts, and tripartite negotiations between Iran, Russia, and Turkmenistan in the field of gas

The CEO of the National Iranian Gas Company, Deputy Oil Minister, Saeed Tavakoli, announced: “Iraq has paid all its debts to Tehran in the gas issue,” indicating: “Iran, Russia and Turkmenistan are holding tripartite negotiations to sign gas contracts.”

According to the Iranian Mehr News Agency, Tavakoli announced that there are negotiations in the gas field between the three countries, adding: “There are good agreements in the gas field with Russia and Turkmenistan, and we seek to turn the agreements into contracts in the negotiations between us.”

Tavakoli continued: “The current gas deficit is 260 million cubic meters per day, and we will use all energies to provide us with the necessary fuel in the winter.”

In response to what was said about Iraq’s debts to Iran in the gas field, the Iranian Deputy Oil Minister said: “Iraq is one of our good customers that pays its debts on time and in cash, and now it has no debts.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency