Iranian Foreign Ministry: Al-Durra Field File Is A Legal Issue And We Have The Right To Invest In It

The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that al- Durra field file is a legal issue, and we have the right to invest in it.

“We assured Kuwait that we are ready to resolve the issue of al-Durra field through legal talks,” it added.

A few days ago, the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Saudi Arabia and Kuwait reaffirm that the ownership of the natural resources in the divided submerged area, including the entire al-Durra field, is a joint property between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait only, and they alone have full sovereign rights to exploit the wealth in that area.

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait renewed their previous and repeated calls for Iran to negotiate about the eastern border of the submerged area divided with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait as one negotiating party, and Iran as another party, in accordance with the provisions of international law and the principles of good neighborliness.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency