Integrated Transport Centre participates in GCC Traffic Week 2024

ABU DHABI: The Integrated Transport Centre (ITC) of the Department of Municipalities and Transport (DMT) in Abu Dhabi is participating in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Traffic Week 2024, which is being held from 3rd to 9th March 2024 under the theme of “Driving Without a Phone.”

The ITC’s participation in the GCC Traffic Week reflects its commitment to raising awareness, promoting traffic culture among community members, and enhancing the safety and security of road users.

The ITC’s participation falls within the jurisdiction of the Joint Committee for Traffic Safety, which is chaired by the Department of Municipalities and Transport and includes the Integrated Transport Centre, Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters, and the Abu Dhabi Health Department as its members.

The ITC participated in several events and activities, including setting up an interactive platform at the Arrivals Hall at Zayed International Airport to familiarise the arriving passengers with the GCC Traffic Week.

The intera
ctive platform explains traffic laws, emphasises the importance of adhering to road safety standards, and incorporates interactive surveys, videos, and awareness messages that reinforce the concept of safe driving. It also features a virtual driving experience aimed at consolidating the message of GCC Traffic Week, which advocates against using phones while driving and adhering to road safety standards.

The slogan of GCC Traffic Week was also displayed on “Darb” tariff boards at the entrances of Abu Dhabi and on digital signs throughout the road network. Furthermore, messages to raise awareness and caution drivers against using their phones or any other distractions were also displayed.

As part of the GCC Traffic Week activities, the Technical Committee for Traffic Safety held a workshop to examine the causes of accidents resulting from distractions on the road, primarily using phones.

Abdulla Al Marzouqi, Director-General of the ITC, emphasised the importance of the GCC Traffic Week in highlighting
adverse driving habits, particularly the use of phones and its negative impact on the driver’s concentration, which could potentially lead to serious traffic accidents.

The GCC Traffic Week 2024 is sponsored by the Federal Traffic Council under the theme of “Driving Without a Phone”. These initiatives and activities enhance traffic safety, realising Abu Dhabi’s vision to adopt a safe transport system, and decreasing traffic accidents and injuries by improving driving practices and reducing human errors.

Source: Emirates News Agency