Injured Jordanian mother, daughter, amputated Palestinian child to be evacuated from Gaza

A Jordanian mother, her daughter and an amputated Palestinian child who were injured in the Israeli war on Gaza will be evacuated for treatment in Jordan upon a royal directive, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said Tuesday.

The ministry said in a statement it was in coordination with concerned authorities for their evacuation as quickly as possible.

Spokesman Sufyan Al-Qudah said the ministry has been following up on the condition of the mother and her daughter since they were wounded, adding that her Palestinian husband and son were killed in Israeli strikes.

The Ministry was also checking on the case of the Palestinian child whose limbs were amputated in Israeli bombing.

Al-Qudah said the woman and her daughter were admitted to the Jordanian Military Field Hospital in Gaza, adding that they were in a stable condition but the amputated child needed special medical care, and that all of them will be transferred for treatment in Royal Medical Services hospitals.

Source: Jordan News Agen