September 23, 2024

Head Of A Turkish Party Allied With Erdogan Calls On The Turkish Govt To Intervene Forcefully To Save Palestinians In Gaza

Istanbul The head of the Turkish National Movement Party, Devlet Devlet Bahceli, called on the Turkish government to intervene forcefully to achieve a ceasefire and rescue the Palestinians in Gaza within 24 hours.

Bahceli, an ally of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan within the ruling People’s Alliance, said in a tweet on “X” platform “If a ceasefire is not agreed upon in Gaza within 24 hours and the aggression against the oppressed stops, I announce it clearly to our people that Turkey must intervene immediately and do everything necessary in accordance with its historical, humanitarian and religious responsibility. The mission of protecting Gaza is the legacy of our ancestors.”

Bahceli added: “A series of humanitarian disasters occurred in Gaza two weeks ago… and the brutal attacks that reached the level of genocide have already exceeded the limits of patience and tolerance… and on the 17th of this month, the Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza was bombed… Since the seventh of this month, 4,385 of our Palestinian brothers have been killed. Nearly 1,756 children and about 1,000 women have been brutally killed.”

He stressed that the international community is watching the ongoing serial killings in Gaza as if it were watching a horror movie, noting that there is no sound and no reaction.

He pointed out that the decision-making and sanctions-imposing bodies in the United Nations are closed, and even a temporary ceasefire could not be announced due to the American “veto.”

He said: “Nothing came out of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation meeting except simple messages of condemnation… and the “Peace Summit for Gaza” held in Cairo has not yielded any results so far.”

He stressed that Turkey seeks to stop the bloodshed and end human tragedies through its humanitarian, conscientious and legal proposals that it has forcefully put forward on the global agenda, explaining that Erdogan is conducting wonderful dialogues and sincere diplomatic contacts to establish an environment for just and lasting peace.

Bahceli explained that the only way out of today’s darkness is to show the will for a two-state solution through the immediate establishment of a ceasefire and the recognition of an independent, sovereign Palestinian state, with East Quds as its capital, whose geographical unity has been guaranteed within the 1967 borders.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency