September 29, 2024

Gov’t launches program to enhance institutional culture in public sector, 1st, final add

In turn, Widad Qtaishat, Director of the Public Sector Modernization Program Management and Implementation Unit, gave a presentation entitled “The Role of Leadership in Achieving the Desired Change in Institutional Culture in the Public Sector”, where she explained through the presentation the different motivations for change and its forms, and the mechanisms for dealing with it.

She pointed out the essential role of government leaders in supporting the implementation of change and mobilizing efforts to accept it through their practices and supporting their employees to accept changes and establish a culture of modernization, noting that changing the entrenched culture in public sector institutions is one of the most difficult types of change, as it requires changing work and management methods to reach the desired culture that focuses on citizen satisfaction, improving government services, and increasing productivity and efficiency.

For his part, Ghaith Al-Battikhi, an expert in strategy development, gave
a presentation on the general framework of the institutional culture program and the methodology that was implemented to identify the desired institutional culture in the public sector, which began by evaluating the reality of the institutional culture in a number of ministries and government institutions.

Al-Battikhi explained that based on the outputs, the targeted institutional culture in the public sector was identified from behaviors and actions that help achieve strategic goals, and then a roadmap was drawn up that includes initiatives to address the gap between the current culture and the targeted one.

Institutional development expert, Ola Zawati also gave a brief overview of how to move from the theoretical model of institutional culture to an applied program that includes establishing the desired institutional practices and culture, indicating that the scope of work will include all government categories and entities, including government leaderships.

The institutional culture is one of the seven
components of the public sector modernization roadmap that the government approved in 2022, which aims to reach a supportive institutional culture for citizen service, and enhances the environment that supports transformation and innovation, and works to address the factors of resistance to change.

Source: Jordan News Agency