September 21, 2024

Government Services Digitization Hits 45% Milestone

Amman: The government has successfully digitized 45 percent of its services which total 1,077, hitting a significant milestone in its ambitious economic modernization vision for the year 2023, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship.

This achievement is part of the broader executive program aimed at enhancing public sector efficiency and innovation through digital transformation.

The ministry’s report highlights several key advancements in the nation’s digital landscape. Notably, the establishment and rollout of a unified national registry for government services stand out, alongside the comprehensive update of the Sanad Portal, which now showcases service cards for 2,400 services across 52 government departments. This development is complemented by the integration of government institutions into the government services registry platform, fostering streamlined service management.

Further enhancements include the launch of an updated Sanad application, which of
fers a mix of 550 interactive and informational services, attracting over 1.7 million user accounts. The initiative to activate digital identities has also seen significant uptake, with 770,910 identities verified through traditional and biometric means.

In terms of infrastructure, the ministry has embarked on critical projects to bolster Jordan’s digital backbone. Initiatives such as the commencement of data processing for residents and companies, the solicitation for the Aqaba Disaster Center data center, and the expansion of cloud computing facilities underscore the nation’s commitment to a robust digital future.

The completion of 5G service deployment by leading telecommunications providers marks a leap forward in connectivity, promising to revolutionize service delivery and user experience across the kingdom.

The ministry has not only focused on technological infrastructure but also on the human aspect of digital transformation. Updates to the user journey standards for electronic services and mobile
applications, alongside the establishment of government service centers in key locations, ensure that digital services are accessible and user-friendly.

Strategic initiatives have also been launched to foster innovation and entrepreneurship within the digital economy. These include a comprehensive analysis of the gaming and electronic sports sector, leading to strategic support for the electronic gaming industry, and the initiation of an open government data portal project, aimed at enhancing transparency and fostering innovation.

Efforts to support the entrepreneurial ecosystem are evident in the modernization of the StartupsJo platform and the development of a regulatory sandbox for testing innovative technologies. The ministry’s commitment to attracting data centers and enhancing digital skills among the youth further illustrates the holistic approach taken towards economic modernization.

The Youth and Jobs Technology Project has notably created thousands of income-generation opportunities, demonstratin
g the tangible benefits of these digital initiatives on Jordan’s workforce and economy.

This comprehensive digital transformation effort positions Jordan as a leading example of how technology can be leveraged to enhance governmental efficiency, foster economic growth, and improve public services, reflecting a significant stride towards realizing the nation’s economic modernization vision.

Source: Jordan News Agency