September 27, 2024

Formal auto-warranty ‘positive’ step to protect consumer, vehicle quality-JFZIA

Head of the Jordanian Free Zones Investors Association (JFZIA), Mohammad Bastanji, said the new Cabinet’s decision requiring merchants to provide a dealer’s written auto-warranty on new vehicles is a “positive” step to ensure vehicle quality and consumer protection. In a statement on Sunday, he said JFZIA welcomes the government’s decision and urges all merchants to respect its implementation “accurately,” indicating that the association supports moves aimed to enhance consumers’ confidence and protect their rights. Bastanji noted multiple merchants in the Kingdom’s free zones ink contracts with private maintenance centers, and thus provide vehicle warranties, stressing that the Cabinet’s decision enhances vehicles’ quality available in the market and protects consumers. He added that this move serves interests of all concerned parties, primarily buyers, vendors or executive parties. Bastanji also voiced support for the gov’t decision and pledged cooperation with the concerned authorities to ensure its “effective and fruitful” implementation.

Source: Jordan News Agency