“Follow-up”: A general strike next Tuesday inside the country

Jerusalem – Ma’an – The Higher Follow-up Committee for Arab Citizens in Israel called on Sunday for the success of the general unified strike on the anniversary of the Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa uprising, on October 1, and announced the cancellation of the unified popular march in Arraba in light of the escalation of the war.

The details stated that the Higher Follow-up Committee, with all its components: the National Committee of Heads of Arab Local Authorities and all political parties with the Popular Committees and the Follow-up Committee for Arab Education Issues, ‘calls on all our people to work to make the general strike on 10/1/2024, on the anniversary of the Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa uprising, a success, so that it will be a unified and resounding strike and a peaceful political position faithful to the memory of the martyrs, in the face of war crimes and in the face of the war of crime that is raging in our society.’

The Follow-up Committee pointed out that “in difficult crises, societies are tested by the
ir adherence to their rights, their belonging, their right to life, and their strengthening of their unity. Our people at home are no less than any other human society that respects itself, and they are determined to adhere to the principles of justice and a dignified life in their homeland, which has no other homeland. Therefore, we declared the strike as a collective and unified expression of our position and our rights.”

She added that “the general strike is of exceptional importance against the backdrop of the dangerous escalation that the extremist Israeli government has carried out and is carrying out in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Lebanon, against Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, and against Palestinian prisoners in prisons and detention centers, and through the policy of assassinations that did not benefit them in the past and will not benefit them in the present and in the future. All of this is in addition to the dangerous escalation in giving free rein to criminal gangs that sprea
d corruption, killing and terror on a daily basis in our villages and cities, and the escalation of the policy of demolishing Arab homes, especially in the Negev.”

The Follow-up Committee affirmed its “lofty and responsible position in declaring the general strike”, and called on the masses of our people to “make it a success and commit to it in a unified and peaceful strike that includes local authorities and all educational, professional and commercial facilities, with the exception of private education.”

The Follow-up Committee, in consultation with all its components, the Araba Municipality, and the Popular Committees, announced the ‘cancellation of the national march in Araba on the day of the strike due to the dangerous security situation and to spare our people the danger of the war raging in the north.’

The Follow-up Committee also announced that “visiting the shrines of all the martyrs of the Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa uprising will continue according to the traditional and annual program.”

* Jet (the
triangle): 8:30 am, at the martyr’s shrine near the village entrance.

* Umm al-Fahm: 9:30 am, where the meeting will be at the entrance to Al-Aqwas Street/Ain al-Nabi neighborhood.

* Muawiyah: 10:30 am, at the martyr’s shrine.

* Nazareth: 12:00, at the Martyrs’ Memorial, entrance to Nazareth from the eastern neighborhood/bypass road.

* Kafr Kanna: 1:00 PM, at the Martyrs’ Memorial (northern entrance to the village).

* Kafr Manda: 2:00 PM, at the martyr’s memorial (village entrance).

* Sakhnin: 3:00 pm, at the Martyrs’ Memorial.

* Arabeh: 3:30 pm, meeting at the Martyrs’ Memorial/ Main Street/ Eastern Entrance.

Source: Maan News Agency