September 21, 2024

FM partakes in dialogue session at MSC on peace, future of Israeli-Palestinian relations, 1st add

_: Safadi said, “The main reason for the conflict is the occupation, which is a violation of every human right. Some people think that the only problem is Hamas, but the only problem is the occupation, which had no end in sight, and we in the Arab world have said since 2002 that we are ready to establish full normal relations with Israel in return for ending the occupation and establishing the Palestinian state, but Israel has not even thought about it.”

Safadi underscored the Kingdom’s absolute rejection of the displacement of Palestinians. He said, “Jordan and Egypt were very clear about their rejection of displacement, it is a violation of international law, a war crime, and it will not solve anything, and it will pave the way for more conflict.” He added, “For those who want peace, the path to peace is known; it is the two-state solution, and the establishment of a Palestinian state that can live in peace and security with Israel.”

Safadi added, “Nothing can justify the continued destruction of the live
lihoods of two million people, nothing can justify the attack on hospitals, nothing can justify the killing of 12,000 children, nothing can justify making 17,000 children in Gaza orphans. This is unacceptable by any standard,” stressing that Israel has violated all laws and moral and humanitarian values.

He further added, “It is unacceptable to continue skirting around the issues and not admitting that the problem lies in Israeli policy, where Israel does not want to recognize the right of the Palestinian people to exist, and they are not only saying that, but they are doing everything they can to make the two-state solution unachievable, and the reality shows that.”

Safadi pointed out how things have developed over the past fifteen years; Israel’s undermining of all peace prospects, and its continued stripping of the Palestinians of their humanity.

He referred to settler terrorism in the West Bank, saying, “Settlers roam around a Palestinian village killing its inhabitants, and no serious action has been
taken against them.”

Source: Jordan News Agency