FM meets church peace advocacy organization delegation

Amman: Safadi received a delegation of Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP), a Washington-based advocacy organization, to discuss the repercussions of the Israeli aggression on Gaza and efforts to forge an international position to stop the war and end the humanitarian catastrophe in the Palestinian enclave.

The meeting also dealt with the illegual unilateral Israeli measures in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, including restrictions on freedom of worship and the need to stop such practices and violence by Jewish settlers.

Safadi stressed the need for ending recurrent Israeli violations of international law and international humanitarian law, and attacks on civilians and non-military facilities, schools, hospitals and places of worship, providing international protection for the Palestinian people and guaranteeing the right of Muslims and Christians to freedom of worship in occupied Jerusalem.

For their part, the Churches for Middle East Peace delegation commended Jordan’s role in rallying for a
n effective international position to stop the war on Gaza and ensure the immediate and sustained delivery of humanitarian and medical aid to all parts of the enclave, which is facing a humanitarian catastrophe.

Source: Jordan News Agency