Fatah confirms its rejection of all foreign interference in Palestinian affairs

Ramallah – Ma’an – The Fatah movement affirmed its rejection of external interference, specifically Iranian, in Palestinian internal affairs, saying in a statement that these interventions have no goal other than to cause chaos, chaos, and tampering with the Palestinian internal arena, which will only benefit the Israeli occupation and the enemies of our people. Palestinian.

Fatah added that it will not allow our sacred cause and the blood of our people to be exploited or used as a card for the benefit of suspicious projects that have nothing to do with our Palestinian people or our national cause.

Fatah confirmed that it will be on the lookout for these tamperers, and will cut off the hand that extends to tamper with our arena or harm our security services or any of our national institutions that we built with the blood of our heroic martyrs and the suffering of our brave prisoners and our wounded.

Fatah renewed its absolute confidence in the security services, the protectors of the national project, and
in their ability to end the strife and confront all these tampering people, with the support of the Fatah movement and all the honorable Palestinian people to thwart the conspiracies being hatched against our people, protect the national project, and preserve the sanctities, leading to defeating the occupation and establishing the independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. and the return of refugees.

Source: Maan News Agency