European leaders drive global dialogue at WGS 2024

DUBAI: The World Governments Summit (WGS) 2024, which concludes today in Dubai, witnessed a strong presence of distinguished figures from Europe, shaping the event’s discussions and showcasing the region’s commitment to global collaboration.

Among the prominent participants was Serbia’s Prime Minister, Ana Brnabic, who took office in 2017 at the age of 41, making her one of the world’s youngest prime ministers. Her presence highlighted the increasing role of young leaders in shaping global conversations.

Another strong European voice came from Albania’s Prime Minister, Edi Rama. His session, “70% Cabinet: In Conversation with the Prime Minister of Albania,” drew significant interest, sparking discussions on his pioneering model of a cabinet composed of 70 percent women. This initiative sparked discussions on gender equality and inclusive leadership within governments.

Austria’s former Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, also graced the WGS stage. During his session titled “Global and National Shifts: The Next Step
s and Policies for Governments,” he shared his valuable experience, offering insights on navigating the complex challenges facing governments today.

Florian Tursky, State Secretary for Digitalisation at the Government of the Republic of Austria, talked about how the Austrian government was adapting its strategies and policies to keep pace with the rapid evolution of technology, especially in the field of AI.

The World Governments Summit 2024 resonated with diverse perspectives from Europe, represented by prominent leaders from various organisations and entities.

Leaders from the private sector included Guillaume Faury, CEO of Airbus; Eugene Kaspersky, Chief Executive Officer of Kaspersky; Dustee Jenkins, Chief Public Affairs Officer at Spotify.

One of the prominent speakers this year was Ignacio García Alves, Chief Executive Officer of Arthur D. Little since 2011. Alves joined Arthur D. Little in 1992 as a business analyst and climbed all the steps until becoming a Partner in 1998.

The summit usually bri
ngs together professors from Europe’s most renowned institutes and universities. This year participants included Prof. Soumitra Dutta, Dean of Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford; Prof. George Papaconstantinou, Acting Director of European University Institute; Prof. Iain Begg from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Source: Emirates News Agency