September 20, 2024

EU deplores Russia?’s decision to revoke nuclear treaty ratification

BRUSSELS, – The European Union (EU) Thursday said it “deeply deplores” the decision by Russia to sign into national law the revocation of its ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT).

CTBT “is crucial for international peace and security that all States fully observe the moratorium on nuclear weapon test explosions or any other nuclear explosion, and refrain from any action contrary to the object and purpose of the Treaty,” said EU High Representative Josep Borrell in a statement.

He noted that the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) operates a unique global monitoring system that can detect a nuclear test explosion anytime and anywhere, providing the international community with credible, reliable and independent means to ensure that the norm against nuclear testing is respected.

“The European Union calls on Russia to continue to respect the purpose and the objective of the Treaty,” he added.

Source: Kuwait News Agency