September 16, 2024

EU, Bangladesh to launch negotiations on Cooperation and Partnership Agreement

The European Union and Bangladesh are to launch their Cooperation and Partnership agreement later this year to strengthen their bilateral relationship, diplomats said here Wednesday.

Bangladesh?’s Ambassador to the EU, Mahbub Hassan Saleh, told a conference on Bangladesh that the two sides have agreed to elevate their relations by launching the talks on a Cooperation and Partnership Agreement which could eventually lead to a Strategic Partnership.

He noted that EU and Bangladesh mark 50 years of diplomatic relationship this year.

Rensje Teerink, Head of Division for South Asia in the European External Action Service, the EU?’s diplomatic service, also confirmed that the negotiations will start later this year.

Teerink, who served as EU?’s ambassador in Dhaka from 2017-2021, referred to the Rohingya crisis and warned that it should not be forgotten but one must keep it on the international agenda.

“Why only Bangladesh should bear the brunt and why the world should not help (the Rohingyas),” asked the Dutch diplomat.

Other speakers referred to Bangladesh?’s recent remarkable development that has been widely acknowledged with advancements made across various sectors.

Moreover, the European Union has played a significant role as a development partner for Bangladesh, extending financial aid, technical expertise, and capacity building support across diverse sectors.

EU-Bangladesh cooperation therefore holds great potential for fostering inclusive and sustainable growth, they noted.

The event titled “EU-Bangladesh Cooperation: Opportunities and the Bengal Tiger Economy,” was organised by a Brussels-based think tank called European Institute for Asian Studies.

Source: Kuwait News Agency