Egyptian, US forces conduct inaugural joint naval exercise ‘Eagle Defender’ in Red Sea

The Egyptian-American joint naval training “Eagle Defender” has commenced, with its activities taking place over several days within the Southern Fleet area in the Red Sea of Egypt.

This training, held for the first time, involves elements from the Egyptian and US naval forces, said the Egyptian Armed Forces’ Spokesman, Gharib Abdel Hafez, in a statement on Thursday.

The activities began with the delivery of numerous theoretical and practical lectures to achieve harmony and unify operational concepts among the participating forces, said the spokesman.

Additionally, an exhibition showcasing the weapons and equipment used during various training phases was organized.

The training is expected to include the execution of several different training activities, encompassing planning operations and managing joint naval operations to exchange experiences between both sides.

The training also aims to refine the skills and capabilities of the participating forces and familiarize them with the latest advanced armam
ent systems.

The ‘Eagle Defender’ exercise is part of efforts to enhance military cooperation and experience exchange with brotherly and friendly countries, according to the spokesman.

Source: State Information Service Egypt