September 17, 2024

Egyptian Pres. underscores need for negotiations in Sudan to end crisis

President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi stressed the need for negotiations in Sudan to end the crisis, warning of the consequences of interference in Sudan’s internal affairs, saying that what is currently happening in Sudan is an internal matter that should never be interfered with.

The was during Al-Sisi’s presidency of a meeting of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces last Tuesday night, during which he affirmed his country’s solid stance on non-interference in the affairs of states, Middle East News Agency stated.

Al-Sisi stated Egypt’s readiness to play a mediating role to restore calm between the Sudanese parties to achieve security and stability in the country, pointing to contacts with the Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres to restore calm and sit at the dialogue table with the Sudanese army or Rapid Support Forces.

In this context, he urged the Sudanese parties to negotiate and use dialogue to resolve the current situation in the country, citing some countries that currently suffer from instability and lack of security as a result of their refusal to dialogue and resorting to the use of weapons and violence.

Contacts with the Sudanese parties never end, whether with the Sudanese army or with the Rapid Support Forces to stop bloodshed, ceasefire and restore stability, he noted.

He also confirmed extensive contacts to protect the safety and security of the Egyptian forces in Sudan, adding that these forces only participate in training and do not support any party in Sudan.

Source: Kuwait News Agency