September 20, 2024

Egypt stresses Europe’s role in backing Palestinians’ rights

Egypt stressed on Tuesday the need of European countries’ support to Palestinians’ rights through recognizing a Palestinian state.

This was announced following a phone call initiated by German Chancellor’s Foreign and Security Policy Advisor Jens Plotner with Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty, Egyptian Foreign Minister’s spokesman Ahmad Abu-Zaid said in a statement.

The Egyptian minister referred to a two-state solution mainly in light of the Israeli Knesset’s recent rejection of setting up a Palestinian state and considering the UNRWA as a “terrorist” group, it added.

This is seen as a dangerous setback of all gains made previously by the international community, it noted.

Abdelatty touched upon the situation in Sudan, referring to Egypt’s hosting of Sudanese civil and political forces’ conference in Cairo as the first gathering combining these forces since the eruption of conflict.

Meanwhile, the German official stressed the need of offering military, economic and political support to Egypt for
the region’s stability.

He affirmed that ties between Egypt and German are special, extolling Egypt’s pivotal role in all regional issues, mainly Palestine and Sudan.

The two sides agreed to continue coordination and communication, in terms of regional issues of common concern, in the next phase and support their relations, according to the statement.

Source: Kuwait News Agency