Egypt: relief convoys carrying medicine, food supplies ‘priority’

CAIRO, Egypt stated on Saturday that the relief aid convoys have started entering Gaza through Rafah crossing, noting that the ones carrying medicine and food supplies will be prioritized.

About 20 aid trucks have entered the Gaza Strip on Saturday from Egypt’s Rafah border crossing, said the Middle East News Agency (MENA).

Egypt, within a short time, repaired the road at the Rafah crossing from the Palestinian side in preparation for the entry of Egyptian and international humanitarian aid for the Palestinian people.

In a live broadcast from the Rafah crossing, the Egyptian television broadcasted footage of the trucks’ entry, to confirm that the first humanitarian aid has indeed begun entering the crossing to the Gaza Strip.

The opening of Rafah crossing comes after persistent efforts made by multiple parties, led by Egypt, which then launched talks with international parties to pressure the Israeli occupation to open the crossing from the Palestinian side to bring aid to the people of Gaza Strip.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi agreed with his American counterpart Joe Biden last Wednesday on the importance of bringing humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing in a proper manner.

The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had held a press conference on the Egyptian side of Rafah crossing Friday, in which he called for the need for the aid trucks at the crossing to enter the Gaza Strip as soon as possible.

The opening of Rafah border crossing coincides with Cairo Peace Summit convention, which Al-Sisi called for, with broad international participation to discuss how to contain the military escalation in Palestinian territories. Palestinian statistics indicate that the ongoing Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank since October 7 has so far resulted in the death of more than 4,200 people and about 13,500 wounded. (end) mm.seo

Source: Kuwait News Agency