September 29, 2024

Egypt participates in Tourism Expo Japan

Egypt participated in Tourism Expo Japan, held in Tokyo on September 26-30, via a pavilion organized by Egyptian Tourism Authority.

Egyptian Ambassador in Tokyo Mohamed Abu Bakr attended the inauguration of the Egyptian pavilion in the expo.

Abu Bakr asserted Egypt’s keenness on attracting Japanese tourism, reviewing the efforts exerted by the Egyptian state to make Egypt a destination for international and regional tourism at all the axes.

Abu Bakr pointed out to fruitful cooperation between Egypt and Japan in the field of culture especially in the project of Grand Egyptian Museum, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Saturday 28/9/2024.

The Egyptian pavilion witnessed high turnout of representatives of travel agencies and Japanese media outlets since the early hours of its inauguration, which reflects the keenness of the tourism sector in Japan to benefit from the touristic potentials in Egypt.

Source: State Information Service Egypt