Egypt launches Arab Cybersecurity Strategy to protect Arab cyberspace

CAIRO, The Arab Information and Communication Technologies Organization (AICTO), part of the Arab League, launched the Arab Cybersecurity Strategy Tuesday to protect the Arab cyberspace from cyber threats and hacking.

In his speech at the launch event, the Secretary General of the Arab League Ahmad Aboul Gheit stated that the initiative was decided by the Council of Arab Ministers of Telecommunications and Information Technology in their recent meeting in Abu Dhabi, adding that the recent Arab Summit approved the Saudi initiative to establish an Arab Cybersecurity Ministerial Council to strengthen the system with a cybersecurity governance.

Aboul Gheit expressed hope that the council will be established soon to fulfill its assigned tasks, considering the council a significant addition to the system, aiming to strengthen cybersecurity through increased coordination among Arab governments to share experiences and best practices.

The Coordination Committee for Joint Arab Action focused on creating an Arab vis
ion and launching a cooperation pathway in cybersecurity, assigning AICTO to lead the effort, he mentioned.

Aboul Gheit highlighted the organization’s achievements, including the Arab cybersecurity vision launched in October 2021 in Tunisia and various events organized in collaboration with companies.

From his side, Director General of AICTO Mohammad Ben Amor emphasized the importance of continuous awareness and vigilance against cybersecurity threats.

He urged for unified efforts to keep the Arab region at the forefront amid rapid global technological advancements, noting that cybersecurity has been a priority for the organization since its inception in 2008.

The Arab Cybersecurity Strategy aims to confront challenges faced by Arab governments in securing their cyberspace, protecting application development, securing communication infrastructure, managing data, and overseeing cyberspace.

He confirmed that the main goal of the strategy is to provide best practices that form the foundation for most Arab c
ountries, regardless of their digital abilities.

The strategy will implement measures for the secure development of a sustainable digital economy within the cyberspace, adhering to international standards to measure the impact of proposed controls based on existing frameworks, especially the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI), he explained.

The strategy includes seven key initiatives, such as developing national cybersecurity strategies, supporting research and development, joint Arab cooperation, establishing national centers responding to incidents, strengthening cybersecurity curricula for the job market, and updating cybersecurity governance.

These initiatives aim to build capacity and protect against new cyber threats, along with achieve traditional cybersecurity goals, encompassing broader concepts like digital sovereignty and critical infrastructure protection.

The strategy launch concluded the Third International Conference on Information Security and Cybersecurity, held over two days under the spon
sorship of Egyptian Prime Minister Dr. Mostafa Madbouly and inaugurated by Aboul Gheit.

Source: Kuwait News Agency